Wednesday, May 21, 2014

It's winding down...

Went in for another ultrasound & lab work today. Follicles (eggs) are maturing nicely. They're measuring around 16.5-17.5 cm now, right on track. Estrogen level will be back this afternoon & the office will call to let me know if I need to decrease my Gonal F dosage again. I go back tomorrow morning for another ultrasound & lab work to see if the follicles have reached maturity. If they have I will take my trigger injection (causes ovulation) tomorrow night & go in Saturday morning for egg retrieval. If they're lacking the growth expected tomorrow then it will be pushed forward to Sunday. So next Thursday we should be having our embryo transfer. I'm so ecstatic about it. I can't wait to see our little embryos.

I feel so overwhelmingly blessed to have the opportunity to do this & I just pray this will lead to our miracle. My heart overflows with joy at just the thought of it... It's a feeling I can't explain. I'll be devastated if this isn't successful, even if that turns out to be the case I'm not losing hope because I know without a doubt God will bless us with a baby at just the right time.


  1. Tara this is so sweet! I know your pain baby, but I didn't have the opportunity to do all this your doing until now and I'm just to old. GOD will bless you with that lil miracle you deserve. Love ya and praying for you Loleta

  2. The letter is so sweet, I know your feeling...and I'm happy for you and your in my thoughts and prayers! :-) be blessed always!
