Thursday, May 9, 2013

Chicken coop progress...

This is what we've been working on this week....

We aren't completely finished. We still need to bury the chicken wire around the bottom, enclose the top to keep the predators out. I am SO HAPPY with how it has turned out. The old screen door was on my momma & daddy's house when they bought it 30+ years ago. I added the little chicken welcome wreath which makes it feel homey for the chickens :). I plan to collect every metal chicken/rooster sign that I find & cover the coop in them. If I were a chicken I'd be very happy living here!

These chickens have already brought me so much happiness.... I'm already wanting more! & we will be adding to our flock soon! We should have a our first eggs around August or September! Can't wait until I can work 1-2 days a week and tend to our little farm full time. Ready for milking goats, but we won't be adding those until I'm able to cut back on hours at work. Milking goats twice a day, feeding 3 dogs, tending to chickens, and honeybees is a little too much for a full time worker. I'm ready to make goat cheese, goat milk's soap, beeswax candles, have honey & eggs, and be as self sufficient as possible! I should have been born 100 years ago!!! I'd be so happy being a full time housewife!


The early bird gets the worm!

My lovely ladies relaxing this morning!

1 comment:

  1. its me, crazy chicken lady, with my third question/post in like 30 minutes...... what do you mean by bury the chicken wire, I can understand why and it makes total sense, just wondering the particulars, how many inches underground will you bury? where have you gotten your inspiration for this chicken run? it sounds like you are a first time chicken owner/keeper like myself, my girls are nearly two months old, learning more and more everyday and I am completely hooked! Have always been a dog and cat person like yourself, but decided to add chickens to the mix for the experience for my two little girls, our whole family is having a blast with it! thanks in advance for any information, hope I haven't scared you off, hehehe
