Saturday, May 18, 2013

Relaxation is right around the corner....

We will be leaving for the beach soon and it couldn't have come at a better time. This past week has been a stressful one for us, mostly due to Nationwide insurance robbing us. We switched to Allstate & saved approximately $3,000/year, I know almost unbelievable! Okay enough on my rant about the stupid insurance company! I am looking forward to doing nothing but what I want to do for a week. We are also trashing my wedding dress while we're there. I haven't had it on in almost a year and I have gained a little weight, so I'm hoping I can get it zipped !?! Queen B photography is shooting my trash the dress session so I know the images will be amazing, she's great. (CLICK HERE to see Queen B's trash the dress sessions). Can't wait to eat good food, shop, lay on the beach, and relax next week. I am also looking forward to snapping some great pictures while I'm there. My husband & I rarely get time off together, so we can't wait to spend every second together. When you have 1 day off a month together it makes you cherish the time you do get and makes it that much more special! I will miss all my babies while I'm gone, but I know my sweet momma will take good care of them. Beyond ready to be BEACH BOUND.

Can't wait to wake up to this sight for 6 days!

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