Wednesday, October 22, 2014

5 days til FET

Since my last post I'm now 18 days into my FET(frozen embryo cycle). Mid cycle ultrasound was last Friday. My lining looked good and thick. I started progesterone injections today & will continue these daily until 12 weeks gestation. I had some bleeding earlier in the week so I have to go in early Monday morning for another ultrasound to check my lining again. If my lining still looks good & hasn't thinned too much the embryologist will begin to thaw our embryos for FET that's scheduled for 10:45 Monday morning. I am definitely feeling the effects of the meds again. I'm very moody (poor hubby) & I just feel drained. But compared to my fresh IVF cycle I'm feeling great.

In just 5 long days I'll be PUPO (pregnant until proven otherwise). I have absolutely no patience so I will be testing 4dpt, which is super early but last cycle I had a very faint positive then. I'll test everyday until my blood test won't be for about 2 weeks post transfer.

I'm praying both embryos implant & we are holding healthy twins in 9 months. I can't even stand the thought of another miscarriage & I've pushed those thoughts as far from my mind as possible. I will not allow those thoughts to suffocate my hope. My heart just overfills with love at the thought of our little embies and I know that one day in God's perfect timing at least one of our 7 remaining embryos will be a baby we get to hold in our arms. One day I will print this blog into a book for our child & they will read these posts & know how loved & wanted he/she was before they were even conceived, & I look forward to that day.