Monday, June 9, 2014

This feeling is surreal

I started testing with at home pregnancy test 4 days post our 5 day transfer and got a very faint positive. I wasn't allowing myself to get excited just yet. I had also started spotting that morning. I pushed it out of my mind as implantation bleeding and allowed myself to get through the day. The next day came and I continued to spot, I was a nervous wreck and cried the better part of the day. I had convinced myself this cycle was not successful. I called my doctor and laid in bed all day and prayed to the good Lord to stop the bleeding. God answered my prayers and my bleeding stopped the next day. I continued to test and each day the tests got darker and darker. I took the last test at 8 days past our transfer day and the test line was darker than the control line. I went to my RE (reproductive endocrinologists) office later that morning for my official blood test. I got a call Friday morning 6/6/14 at 11:44 am confirming that we are in fact pregnant. My blood level was very strong at 177 anything over 50 is what they look for. I am still in shock and can't quite wrap my head around the fact that I am officially pregnant. Today I went back for another blood draw to make sure the levels are rising the way they should be and today the level is 637. I am so excited. I go for my first ultrasound on the 20th to see if there is a heartbeat yet and to see how many little miracles we have in there, at that time I will be 6 weeks pregnant. I am just starting to wrap my head around the fact that I am pregnant, we are parents. HUGE thanks to everyone that has said prayers for us, God has answered our prayers. Please continue to pray that in 8 months we have a healthy baby. Due date is February 13, 2015.


  1. CONGRATS ON YOU BFP!!! So very happy for you!!!

  2. I am so ecstatic for you guys. I don't know the struggle of having to walk in your shoes, but have lost a pregnancy.. so I know that overwhelming feeling of seeing those lines, feeling that joy.. that blessing.. I pray God continues to protect, provide, strengthen this sweet blessing or blessings .. I can't wait to read more in the months to come on the progress

  3. So happy for yall, congrats god has truly blessed the 2 of you, I know yall will be great parents
