Thursday, May 1, 2014

Roller Coaster of Emotions

Had my trial transfer, saline ultrasound, and IVF calculation review yesterday. The saline ultrasound was no where near as bad as the first one. My ultrasound looked great. Dr. Yalcinkaya said he wanted to print a picture of the ultrasound to hang on their bulletin board for staff showing what a textbook perfect uterus looks like. He also said although it sounds like an oxymoron that I have very young fertile ovaries. He counted approximately 30 eggs. He said we should have some left over for freezing. I started Aygestin today which is an oral medication I will take today through May 9th. It is to prevent ovulation. I start Lupron on May 5th, which is an injection to also prevent ovulation. Have to make sure once all those little eggies are ready for retrieval they don't release on their own. I found out after my appointment that all of my information had not yet been sent to Invitro Sciences for approval. I was so upset last night worried that we would not be approved medically for the program, our would not be approved in time for me to start meds today. I am such a worry wart & almost drive myself crazy worrying. I was in the middle of a meltdown & Chris says "I think you need to buy some Pyrex". He always says I don't need any more but he knows collecting Pyrex makes me happy. All that worrying was for nothing because today I got a call saying they had reviewed my chart & we're approved. I feel such a relief. This whole process has been such a roller coaster. At least now i should get a couple of weeks without intense stress. One thing's for sure there's nothing smooth about this ride. I called the mail order pharmacy today to order my injectables & will find out tomorrow when they'll be mailed out. I'll be taking gonal f & menopur injections. I've taken the Menopur in the past with one if my past IUI cycles so I luckily had 3 vials left over. At $100 dollars per vial that will save us a little. I'll be like a human pin cushion by the time we finish this cycle. I don't mind the Sub Q (into the skin) injections, but I'm stressing the IM (intramuscular) progesterone injections that will start after the embryo transfer. But like I've said before, honestly I'd cut off a limb to be a mother so I can handle a month of injections... No problem. I'm feeling very blessed to be able to do this & I have so much faith that we'll have our precious baby/babies very soon.


  1. praying for you and chris... yall are going to be amazing parents. love ya , love jess :)

  2. Praying for you that everything goes well and you two will be parents soon. Love ya!
