Monday, May 19, 2014

Great Egg Count...

Well I went for my first appointment this morning since starting stimulation injections. Dr. Yalcinkaya did the ultrasound today, as soon as he zeroed in on my ovaries he says "wow". I have lots of eggs in there, which explains the extreme bloated feeling I've had for the past 3 days. I had 15+ eggs in my right ovary and 14 eggs in my left. He said we should get over 2 dozen eggs at the time of egg retrieval... and that's a whole lot. He will be cutting my dosage back today and call me later this afternoon with my new dosage. I am currently on 187 units of Gonal F and 75 units of Menopur daily along with 5 units of Lupron, the dosage of Gonal F will be cut back to prevent OHSS (Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome). I have responded wonderfully to the meds and couldn't have asked for a better outcome today. We should have lots of eggs left over for freezing.

I go back Wednesday  for another ultrasound and lab work. I will probably find out then when the egg retrieval will be. He is estimating Saturday or Sunday.... which means the embryo transfer will be next Thursday or Friday.

We are so excited and so thankful all reports have been great so far. Keep praying.

Many Visits here to Wake Forest Center for Reproductive Medicine in the past 7 months...
I pray my visits to this place are coming to an end very soon and visits to my OB GYN will begin.