Friday, May 9, 2014


At this point I'm just filled with hope. I have started medications in preparation for my IVF cycle. I took Ayegestin for 5 days.... today is my last day on it. I started Lupron injections at 10 units/day Monday which will continue through my stimulation period at a decreased dosage. My emotions have kind of been crazy. I am so thankful and so less stressed out than I've been the several months, just because we're finally here. This is finally happening and I have so much faith that it will work.

We went yesterday for more blood work, medication teaching, and we went over & signed our IVF consent form. My RE's office is kind of disorganized and I've felt like we're flying by the seat of our pants at times, but after yesterday's appointment I feel like I have a better idea of what I can expect. I have no doubt in my doctor's knowledge and capability, he's ranked one of the highest in nation with infertility success rates (& when you get down to it that's all that matters), it's more the office management and staff that I don't have a lot of confidence in.

Here's my calender:
Once I start my period (which should be sometime in the next 7 days) I will start taking the following medications:
-Aspirin 81mg a day and will continue this through 8 weeks gestation.
-Doxycycline twice daily for 10 days (Chris & I both have to take this)
-Prenatal Vitamin
-Gonal F injection
-Menopur injection
-Lupron injection will cut back in dosage but is still continued.

I will then be monitored very closely for approximately 9 days then I will take my trigger injection which prepares the eggs for my egg retrieval surgery. The eggs will be fertilized the day that they are retrieved and approximately 5 days  (depending on how they're maturing) they will become embryos and we will be transferring 2 of them back into my uterus.

The morning after my egg retrieval I will begin taking Methylprednisolone which is considered the "sticking" medication. It helps the body to hopefully not expel the embryo as a foreign object but to help it stick to my uterus lining.

Two days after my egg retrieval I will begin the dreaded Progesterone injections. These are the IM (Intramuscular injections) that I'm not looking forward to. But I have no choice but to just suck it up and make the best of it I guess. I'll just think everyday that Chris is jabbing a long needle into me this is a piece of cake and such small thing to worry about in the scheme of things. If this makes our babies stick then I'd do it a million times over. These will continue daily until 8 weeks gestation. These injections are crucial in the viability of a pregnancy. Without these injections you're almost guaranteed to miscarry.

We will find out soon after this whether or not we have a confirmed pregnancy. We have been asked by many when will we know if it was successful... we are choosing not to tell anyone not even our parent's when our test date will be. We want this to be as much of a surprise as possible. I will be out of work for the 2-3 weeks that this process takes place. This isn't a requirement, but for my sanity, stress level & peace of mind it is. I don't want any chances of tugging, pulling, or standing on my feet all day to interfere with implantation. & being a psychiatric nurse you never know what the day at work might hold. With all we have invested emotionally & financially I don't want to risk anything happening during this crucial time. I've calculated our hopeful estimated due to date to be February 20, 2015.

Please keep the prayers going up, God hears every one and I know we'll be blessed.

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